“This exaggerated reward center stimulation by expectation of alcohol may put the [individuals with family history] at greater risk of alcohol use disorder,” said Dr. Lawrence Kegeles.
There’s no evidence that kids who might later need to “detransition” back to their original gender will not suffer any long-lasting psychological effects, says Dr. Jack Drescher.
Past reporting of sexual harassment by third parties has been too rare. Given the potential harms involved, we often have some duty not to remain utterly quiet writes Dr. Robert Klitzman.
“People can become overly focused on numbers, which may exacerbate unhealthy behaviours, like food restriction or compulsively exercising,” says Dr. Deborah Glasofer.
"We found that older people have similar ability to make thousands of hippocampal new neurons from progenitor cells as younger people do," said Dr. Maura Boldrini.
Dr. Ilana Nossel is the medical director and co-associate director of OnTrackNY and an assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC).
Dr. Katherine Shear said that in and of itself, grief is natural and healthy after a loss, but struggling with the difficulty or inability to adapt to the loss can be unhealthy.
“We know new organisms are being discovered every one or two years ... in ticks,” said Dr. Brian Fallon. “This is a time of continuous discovery in terms of what’s going on with tick-borne diseases.”