Dr. Mark Olfson discusses his intriguing new original investigation in JAMA, “Prevalence of Prescription Medications With Depression as a Potential Adverse Effect Among Adults in the United States.”
Dr. John Mann said this study used much more sophisticated statistical techniques than previous studies to rule out an association between lithium in groundwater and lower risk of bipolar disorder.
Dr. Judith Rabkin found that 17% of an AIDS activist group reported current symptoms suggesting PTSD, which they characterize as slightly higher than the range in general population studies.
Dr. Anne Marie Albano reminds parents that the ultimate goal is to have their children be self-sufficient by the time they leave home for college or the workplace.
“It makes sense to think, What can I control? Can I travel first because I don't know if I will be able to once a baby arrives?" says Dr. Alexandra Sacks.
Dr. Alan Brown said that "the recognition that environmental factors in early development, prenatal factors, are likely to be very important in schizophrenia and just as important as genes,” is key.
Dr. Frances Levin said, it's "good that students want more training." Training in Opioid Use Disorder should be addressed in medical schools, said Levin.
Many patients in need of substance abuse treatment lack insight into the severity of their condition and do not willingly seek treatment writes Dr. Arthur Williams.