National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day seeks to raise awareness about the importance of children’s mental health and show that positive mental health is essential to healthy development.
Cognitive remediation can feasibly be implemented in large systems of care, according to researchers at the New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
A new study suggests that when a specific approach to supported employment (Individual Placement and Support) is implemented well it is associated with higher employment rates sustained over time.
“Getting the community not only to understand what this is but to demand it,” Dr. Lisa Dixon said, “just the way you would demand cancer treatment, that is gonna give you a better chance of recovery.”
“A psychiatrist is trained more extensively, has a broader scope of knowledge with which to define potential diagnoses, and can deliver treatment more expeditiously,” Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman explains.
“Not everyone who will be exposed to some of the genetic or environmental risk factors for autism will be diagnosed,” Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-Vanderweele explains.
Dr. Andrew Solomon, author of the 2012 bestselling book Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is narrowing the scope of his work for a feature film adaptation.