"Psychiatrists often evaluate and treat people with a number of recognized risk factors for violence,” says Dr. Paul Appelbaum. "It makes sense that they would be at greatest risk.”
Dr. Carrie Barron says, "an impact on the environment, whether an imprint or a removal, lifts mood, provides concrete satisfaction and instills a sense of effectiveness."
Dr. Andrew Solomon discusses why some people are more resilient through depression than others. And he found that those who see value in their struggles fare better.
Dr. Arthur Williams suggests shifting patients who use benzodiazepines away from full-strength opioids to painkillers with a much lower risk of respiratory suppression and overdose.
“I think we downplay the mental aspect of how perimenopause affects us,” says Dr. Catherine Monk. “The more you can be at peace with it, the better that will serve you.”
“Based on our study and those of other researchers, we can say with some confidence that SSRI medications have an influence of fetal brain development,” said study coauthor Dr. Jiook Cha.
Dr. Mark Olfson said, "…most primary care physicians who prescribed antidepressants have little training in how to taper these medications to minimize antidepressant discontinuation symptoms."