CPI serves as a key resource to OMH by spreading those practices identified by OMH as most critical to accomplish OMH’s system-transformation initiatives.
Dr. Mayumi Okuda, psychiatrist and Director of the Columbia Gambling Disorders Clinic, shares 5 things that everyone should know about problem gambling.
“The root cause is not just violence but, more broadly, the way in which our country treats mental illness—our mental health care policies and services,” says Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
“PFLAG members are among the most important allies supporting full equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity." — Dr. Jack Drescher.
Dr. René Hen comments on the provocative nature of this new study and highlights how important it is to document young neurons in the human hippocampus.
“For now, there appears to be no basis for the argument that legalizing medical marijuana has increased teens’ use of the drug,” said senior study author Deborah Hasin.
Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new guidelines for depression screening for teens, suggesting that all teenagers be screened at least once a year for depression.