Screening women at postnatal appointments would help, as would regular follow-up screening over the months and years after any initial episodes of postpartum depression, suggested Dr. Myrna Weissman.
In new study by Dr. Deborah Hasin, Major Depressive Disorder was found to have strong associations with other psychiatric conditions including substance use, anxiety and personality disorders.
The Chapman Perelman Foundation will contribute $500,000 to Columbia University Irving Medical Center’s (CUIMC) Institute of Genomic Medicine (IGM) and the Department of Psychiatry.
Researchers at Columbia Universityand New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI) found that people with schizophrenia who experience auditory hallucinations tend to hear what they expect.
“It is possible that declining quality of life among older adults may be partly a consequence of increasingly high public expectations of health,” said Dr. Mark Olfson.
"This study calls into question the assumption that broader public use of recreational marijuana will somehow lead to a reduction in nonmedical use of prescription opioids," said Dr. Mark Olfson.
“There is a lot of controversy in this field,” Dr. Christine Denny said in an interview. “Are memories gone? It’s possible to get the memory back online, but I don’t want to oversell it.”