WiSE Initiative

WiSE stands for women in sciences empowerment. Our mission is to empower women and nonbinary faculty in the Psychiatry Department at Columbia University. As gender imbalance in empowerment by the introduction of specific practical skills for career and personal advancement, and (2) empowerment by sparking the creation of a tight-knit community of women and non-binary faculty that support and advocate for each other.

In an effort to support our women and non-binary faculty within our department, the WiSE Initiative hosts a mix of invited speakers and networking events. Our events have led to networking and collaboration, and our gatherings are a safe space and an opportunity to connect with others in a low-pressure social setting.

WiSE Co-Chairs:

Dani Dumitriu, MD, PhD

Wei-li Chang, MD, PhD

Stephanie Collins Reed, PhD

Email: WiSEClubMembers@cumc.columbia.edu