PGY 3 Year

Child Psychopathology – Dr. Xiaoyi Sherry Yao (7 sessions) – This is a review of the major emotional, behavioral, and developmental disturbances of childhood and adolescence, including mood and anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder and conduct disorder.

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy – Drs. Beth Brodsky and Jeffrey Cohen (11 sessions) – This foundational seminar teaches the basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Health Equity and Social Justice – Drs. Patrice Malone (4 sessions)– This course will allow the PGY3 class to explore various topics related to diversity and disparity in psychiatry treatment.

Forensic Psychiatry – Dr. Paul Appelbaum and faculty – (5 sessions) – The second in this series, this course will cover capacity, risk assessment, and the forensic system. 

Integrated Case-Based Teaching Session– (7 sessions) – This monthly learning experience for all residents will bring experts from different fields together to discuss clinical situations.

Neuroscience – Drs. Melissa Arbuckle and David Leonardo(8 sessions) A comprehensive review of neuroscience, using interactive techniques from the National Neuroscience Curriculum Initiative (NNCI)

Outpatient Psychopharmacology – Dr. E. David Leonardo (5 sessions) – This interactive course will review basic principles of psychopharmacology, with particular reference to outpatient psychiatry.

Psychiatric Ethics – Drs. Ryan Lawrence and David Lowenthal – (4 sessions) – This course will continue the didactics on psychiatric ethics, with emphasis on outpatient psychiatry. 

Psychodynamic Series – Dr. Deborah Cabaniss and Shirin Ali
Primary texts are Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Clinical Manual and Psychodynamic Formulation, both written by instructors in the course, augmented with other readings. Classes use a flipped classroom design, with active learning exercises and frequent use of video. The series is divided into 2 sections:
Psychodynamic Technique – Dr. Deborah Cabaniss (9 sessions) – an introduction to both uncovering and supporting techniques
Formulation and Character patterns – Drs. Shirin Ali and Deborah Cabaniss (8 sessions)- an introduction to the psychodynamic formulation and recognizing character patterns

Public Psychiatry – Models for Integrating Systems of Care – Drs. Stephanie LeMelle (6 sessions) – These are second in the series of lectures that reviews care of people with severe mental illness in the community. This series will focus on systems of care and integrated services. Topics will include: co-occurring disorders treatment (both substance related and medical), treatment and mental health issues in the criminal justice system, and patient and family advocacy.

Sexuality – Dr. Walter Bockting (8 sessions) – This course presents selected topics in human sexuality -- sexuality during the life cycle, the development of gender identity and sexual orientation, sex and the family including incest, pornography and paraphilias, and sexuality in older years and in the presence of physical illness. The course also covers common female and male sexual dysfunctions and up-to-date treatment modalities for these disorders. It takes an interdisciplinary approach that includes guest lecturers with different perspectives on therapy, i.e., behavioral, psychodynamic, and group therapy. Topics include current areas of particular interest, such as rape, AIDS, and bisexuality.

Substance Use Disorders 3 (Outpatient) – Dr. Christina Brezing (5 sessions) – The common features of chemical dependency are described including the development of chemical dependency, its diagnosis and treatment. Specific issues for the treatment of alcohol, cocaine, opiate and other drug abuse and dependence will be discussed, as well as the neurological underpinnings of addiction in brain reward mechanisms.

Wellness – Dr. Renu Culas (10 sessions)– this experiential course, which all PGY1-4 residents will take together monthly, focuses on ways to maintain wellness as a resident, physician, and human being.

Women’s Mental Health – Drs. Elizabeth Fitelson and Nicole Tchalim (5 sessions) – This course provides an introduction to mental health in the context of the female reproductive life cycle, and covers core concepts in the management of antenatal and postpartum depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders, as well as perimenopausal depression, PMDD, and issues related to infertility and pregnancy loss.