PGY 4 Year

Advanced Psychopharmacology – Dr. Michael Grunebaum (7 sessions) – This course reviews advanced topics in psychopharmacology such as managing treatment refractory illnesses and use of third- and fourth-line agents, as well as management of more complex illnesses without clear treatment guidelines such as rapid cycling bipolar disorder.

Advanced Psychotherapy – PGY4s will have a series of advanced psychotherapy courses:

-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)Dr. Erin Engle (4 sessions) – an introduction to this evidence-based treatment.

-Advanced Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – Dr. Alicia Rojas (5 sessions) – Advanced training covering topics such as stalemates and narcissism

-Demonstration of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy – Dr. Lyle Rosnick (7 sessions) – A video-taped long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy is presented and discussed by the senior faculty member who conducted the treatment.

-Differential Psychotherapeutics – Dr. Yael Holoshitz and faculty (7 sessions) – In this advanced course, cases are discussed by experts from the framework of different types of psychotherapy to explore different approaches to evaluation and treatment.

-Prolonged Grief Disorder – Dr. Katherine Shear (5 sessions) – Advanced training in psychotherapy for PGD

-Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (4 sessions) – Drs. Richard Hersh and Benjamin McCommon – An introduction to advanced techniques for treating personality disorders.

Conversations in Neuroscience – Dr. Josh Gordon – (5 sessions) – PGY4s will have the opportunity to discuss cutting edge neuroscience with Dr. Gordon, our new chair and the immediate past Director of the National Institutes of Mental Health.

Clinical Experience – (weekly for 6 months)– This new learning experience will bring PGY1s and PGY2s to the clinical services to do observed patient interviews and presentations with PGY4s. There will also be an introduction to teaching methods with Dr. Deborah Cabaniss.

Forensic Psychiatry (6 sessions) /Ethics (3 sessions) – Drs. David Lowenthal, Ryan Lawrence, Paul Appelbaum and Ken Hoge (8 sessions) – The last of this series, this course will cover correctional psychiatry, malpractice, disability, and the role of the expert, as well as topics in Psychiatric Ethics such as sexual misconduct with patients and colleagues, research ethics, and ethical problems in a variety of different clinical circumstances.

Health Equity and Social Justice 4 – Drs. Jean-Marie Bradford (5 sessions) – The final course in our HESJ series focuses on structural issues that affect access to care and diversity in the fields of medicine and psychiatry

Integrated Case-Based Teaching Session– (7 sessions) – This monthly learning experience for all residents will bring experts from different fields together to discuss clinical situations.

Interventional Psychiatry – Dr. Diana Martinez (2 sessions) – intensive, interactive training in ECT and TMS.

Office Practice – Dr. Seth Berger (2 sessions) – This course provides practical information on starting one's practice. Topics include: finding an office, setting a fee, record keeping, as well as treatment issues that relate specifically to private practice and managed care settings.

Public Psychiatry 4: Leadership and Management in Systems of Care – Dr. Stephanie LeMelle (5 sessions) – This group of classes, the last in our public psychiatry series, will focus on fiscal and administrative systems and on the role of the psychiatrist in these systems.

Wellness – Dr. Renu Culas (10 sessions)– this experiential course, which all PGY1-4 residents will take together monthly, focuses on ways to maintain wellness as a resident, physician, and human being.

Columbia University Irving Medical Center