Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
A Columbia study aims find out which treatments work best to alleviate major depressive disorder and improve quality of life for individuals with breast cancer.
“Relationships are reciprocal,” says Dr. Laura Mufson. “If one child isn’t doing well, if they’re more irritable—it’s affecting their behavior that impacts the rest of the people in the family.”
The publication, co-written by Dr. Drew Ramsey, outlines a nutrient-profile scale, which lists the most nutrient-dense foods that aid “the prevention and treatment of depressive disorders.”
A clinical trial conducted by Columbia University and Duke University suggest that donepezil may not improve cognitive performance in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease who also had depression.
High levels of prenatal stress in the mother, "which often accompanies depression, is associated with greater rates of ADHD in the offspring," notes Dr. Jonathan Posner.
Structural differences in the cerebellum may be linked to some aspects of autism spectrum disorder, according to a neuroimaging study from Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC).
“You can see this connection [to depression] in the general population, how strong it was, and that it builds up with each additional medication a person uses,” said Dr. Mark Olfson.
"Some medications can cause undesirable side effects such as emotional dulling," says Dr. David Hellerstein. "Switching or augmenting with more activating medications can address that issue."
There are a number of factors — temperament, personality traits, self-esteem, genes, and family history, to name a few — involved in the etiology of clinical depression, says Dr. Myrna Weissman.