Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
A Columbia study aims find out which treatments work best to alleviate major depressive disorder and improve quality of life for individuals with breast cancer.
Dr. Mark Olfson found that people who take the more than 200 common medications sold in the U.S. that include depression as a potential side effect are, in fact, more likely to be depressed.
Dr. David Hellerstein discusses his 3 posters that he presented At the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting regarding antidepressants and depression.
Dr. Anne Marie Albano says some of her patients assume their problems were specific to high school. However, “if anxiety was there,” she says, “nothing changes with a high school diploma.”
Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released new guidelines for depression screening for teens, suggesting that all teenagers be screened at least once a year for depression.
Dr. Rachel Zuckerbrot helped write the updated guidelines that call for universal screening for depression and endorses that everyone, 12 and up, be screened at least once a year.
Dr. Drew Ramsey reviews findings of a new study that shows individuals on the Mediterranean diet had a significant reduction in their depression scores.