Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
A Columbia study aims find out which treatments work best to alleviate major depressive disorder and improve quality of life for individuals with breast cancer.
Dr. Madelyn Gould can not be certain that social media contributes to the increase ...but there is a danger that it could change norms about what is acceptable.
Dr. Drew Ramsey: “People who eat a lot of fast food have about a 60-80% increased risk of developing depression, and those who eat a Mediterranean diet have a reduced risk of 40-50 percent,”
Lock and Protect: Reducing Adolescent Access to Lethal Means for Suicide is a pilot study to investigate the feasibility of a novel, tablet-based emergency department intervention.
This research project aims to combine novel brain imaging techniques with smartphone assessment to understand factors that contribute to depression and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescents.