Dr. Paul Appelbaum explains that sometimes, “patients may be psychotic, intoxicated, or suicidal. In these acute settings, social media can provide clinicians with valuable context to make decisions.”
Researchers at Columbia have developed a “Cascade of Care” model for treating individuals with opioid use disorder based on lessons learned in the HIV/AIDS field.
“I still think that adoption of PAD for terminal conditions in the U.S. will make it much more likely that we will see PAD for nonterminal disorders,” said Dr. Paul Appelbaum.
Like in most sexual assault cases, it's possible that patients who have been violated will feel guilty that they either encouraged this behavior or allowed it to occur, said Dr. Paul Appelbaum.
“Our results suggest that olanzapine may provide a modest therapeutic benefit for adult outpatients with anorexia nervosa,” Dr. Evelyn Attia and colleagues wrote.