B.U.D.S is a 4-week summer treatment program intended for children between 6 and 9 years of age who demonstrate mild to moderate disruptive social behavior in school, family, or peer environments.
"Eating something to stick to a very rigid diet is big problem, and eating to make a comment against a very specific diet if done rigidly is also a problem," says Dr. Deborah Glasofer.
A clinical trial conducted by Columbia University and Duke University suggest that donepezil may not improve cognitive performance in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease who also had depression.
High levels of prenatal stress in the mother, "which often accompanies depression, is associated with greater rates of ADHD in the offspring," notes Dr. Jonathan Posner.
“We all have a night or two when we can’t sleep, but if it’s more chronic or really impacting your daytime wakefulness,” then it could be anxiety, says Dr. E. Blake Zakarin.
"Although it's presumed that the MyCite mechanism will improve adherence to treatment regimens, there actually are no data to support that assumption," said Dr. Paul Appelbaum.
"For individual women, this information can be helpful in understanding how their early experiences may be impacting their lives and their pregnancies," said Dr. Elizabeth Fitelson.