Overview of Ordering SCID-5 Products
There are different distribution channels for SCID-5 products. The following information is provided to direct you to the appropriate source to place an order.
The SCID-5 instruments are available exclusively through the American Psychiatric Association Publishing (APAP). Visit to learn more about ordering SCID-5 instruments, the SCID-5-RV, SCID-5-CV, SCID-5-CT, SCID-5-PD and the SCID-5-AMPD.
The accompanying SCID-5 training materials, which presently include a series of digitally recorded SCID-5 Reference Interviews are distributed exclusively through Biometrics Research, Psychiatry at Columbia University. Visit SCID-5 training media to order.
Customization services apply exclusively to Clinical Trials researchers who have licensed the SCID-5-CT through APAP, and who have selected the option of having the instrument uniquely tailored to conform to specific diagnostic inclusion and exclusion criteria of a protocol. After a license fee has been paid to APAP, a separate customization fee is payable to Biometrics Research, Psychiatry at Columbia University. Visit to process a SCID-5-CT customization order.