Selected Publications

Selected publications in reverse chronological order. For a complete list of publications, please visit
- Tyler J, Gallagher T, Wheaton MG, Hamlett GE, Rosenfield B, Rosenfield D, Simpson HB, Foa EB. Predictors of Clinical Worsening During a Discontinuation Trial of Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2024; 101:102805. PMID: 38113781 PMCID: Pending
- Wheaton MG, Rosenfield B, Rosenfield D, Marsh R, Foa EB, Simpson HB. Predictors of EX/RP alone versus EX/RP with medication for adults with OCD: does medication status moderate outcomes? Journal of Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorders. 2023; 39. PMID: 38054078 PMCID: PMC10695351.
- *Kim H, Wheaton MG, Foa EB, Simpson HB. Identifying trajectories of symptom change in adults with obsessive compulsive disorder receiving exposure and response prevention therapy. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2023; 96:102711. PMID: 37148799 PMCID: PMC10209477
- †Foa EB, †Simpson HB, Gallagher T, Wheaton MG, Gershkovich M, Schmidt AB, Huppert JD, Imms P, Campeas RB, Cahill S, DiChiara C, Tsao S, Puliafico A, Chazin D, Asnaani A, Moore K, Tyler J, Steinmann SA, Sanchez-LaCay A, Capaldi S, Snorrason I, Turk-Karan E, Vermes D, Kalanthroff E, Pinto A, Hamelette G, Middleton R, Chang-GyuH, Xu Bin, Van Meter PE, Katechis M, Rosenfield D. Maintenance of wellness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who discontinue medication after exposure/response prevention augmentation: A randomized control trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2022; 79(3):193-200. PMID: 35080598 PMCID: PMC8792795
- †Simpson HB, †Foa EB, Wheaton MG, Gallagher T, Gershkovich M, Schmidt AB, Huppert JD, Campeas RB, Imms PA, Cahill SP, DiChiara C, Tsao SD, Puliafico AC, Chazin D, Asnaani A, Moore K, Tyler J, Steinman SA, Sanchez-LaCay A, Capaldi S, Snorrason I, Turk-Karan E, Vermes D, Kalanthroff E, Pinto A, Hahn C, Xu B, Van Meter PE, Katechis M, Scodes J, Wang Y. Maximizing remission from cognitive-behavioral therapy in medicated adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Research and Therapy. 2021; 143. PMID: 34089924 PMCID: PMC8241471
- *Patel S, Wheaton MG, Andersson E, Ruck C, Schmidt AB, La Lima C, Galfavy H, Pascucci O, Myers RW, Dixon LB, Simpson HB. Acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of internet based cognitive behavioral therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in New York. Behavior Therapy. 2018; 49(4):631-641. PMID:29937263 PMCID: PMC6945297
- *Rodriguez CI, Wheaton M, Zwerling J, Steinman SA, Sonnenfeld D, Galfalvy H, Simpson HB. Can exposure-based CBT extend the effects of intravenous ketamine in obsessive-compulsive disorder? An open-label trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2016; 77(3):408-409. PMID: 27046314 PMCID: PMC5544939
- †Foa EB, †Simpson HB, Rosenfield D, Liebowitz MR, Cahill S, Huppert JD, Bender J, McLean CP, Maher MJ, Campeas R, Hahn C, Imms P, Pinto A, Powers MB, Rodriguez CI, Van Meeter PE, Vermes D, Williams MT. Six-month outcomes from a randomized trial augmenting serotonin reuptake inhibitors with exposure and ritual prevention or risperidone in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 2015; 76(4):440-446. PMID: 25375780 PMCID: PMC4524354
- †Simpson HB, †Foa EB, Liebowitz MR, Huppert JD, Cahill S, Maher MJ, McLean CP, Bender J, Marcus SM, Williams MT, Waver J, Vermes D, van Meter PE, Rodriguez CI, Powers M, Pinto A, Imms P, Hahn C, Campeas R. Cognitive-behavioral therapy vs risperidone for augmenting serotonin reuptake inhibitors in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2013; 70(11):1190-1199. PMID: 24026523 PMCID: PMC3955365
- *Maher M, Huppert JD, Chen H, Duan N, Foa EB, Liebowitz MR, Simpson HB. Moderators and predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral therapy augmentation of pharmacotherapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychological Medicine. 2010; 40(12):2013-2023. PMID: 20416137 PMCID: PMC3953340
- Simpson HB, Foa EB, Liebowitz MR, Ledley DR, Huppert JD, Cahill S, Vermes D, Schmidt AB, Hembree E, Franklin M, Campeas R, Hahn C-G, Petkova E. A randomized, controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for augmenting pharmacotherapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2008; 165(5):621-630. PMID: 18316422 PMCID: PMC3945728