Call for OPAL Pilot Projects
The OPAL Center supports research that tests innovative ways to accelerate the development and implementation of effective, individualized treatments for schizophrenia in real clinical settings.
OPAL seeks concepts for its pilot research program. This competitive program will select projects with clear potential to lead to larger, externally funded research initiatives. The initial step in this pilot program is the submission of a one-page concept as described in the instructions below. OPAL Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) will review the concept. The selected concept will be asked to submit a full (5 page) application and detailed budget.
Funding amount: Up to $25,000 per award, with additional support from OPAL Cores.
Core Utilization: Use of OPAL Core services is strongly encouraged and will be viewed as responsive to this announcement.
Selection: Concepts will be evaluated on scientific merit, fit with OPAL goals, and feasibility for completion within one year. Preference and highest priority will be given to studies that will provide preliminary data for NIMH grant applications. Early career investigators are encouraged to apply.
Eligibility: Projects must be led by a member of the Columbia Faculty. Columbia postdocs and fellows are eligible with a faculty sponsor. Projects must include both established investigators and early career investigators. Awardees will be invited to and expected to participate in OPAL education activities as well as the OPAL Annual Meeting.
Instructions: One-page concepts should include a brief statement of the problem, the hypotheses to be tested or questions to be explored, methods, sample size and NIMH or OPAL priorities to be addressed. Please include a cover page listing principal and co-investigators, faculty status, departmental affiliation, and budget requested. Also include NIH biosketches of principal investigator(s).
Submit concepts to Xiaoyan Xu(link sends e-mail), PhD. For further information, please contact Scott Stroup(link sends e-mail), MD, MPH, OPAL Center PI.