About Us

Our Mission is:

  1. Research into computational and cognitive neuroscience approaches to understanding psychiatric disorders,
  2. Developing and maintaining collaborations with staff from various affiliated independent labs, and
  3. Training of a new group of investigators on how to use these techniques.

The research goals of the C3N Center will focus on theory-driven models that link well-defined behaviors to precise subcomponents of neural function and dysfunction measured at multiple different levels. The core C3N labs include the Horga Lab, the Patel DSC Lab, and the Iigaya Lab.

The C3N Center aims to build collaborative relationships with other labs and research programs within and outside of the Department of Psychiatry. These include the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, the NYSPI MRI Unit, and preclinical/basic neuroscience labs at NYSPI and the Zuckerman Mind/Brain/Behavior Institute.

The C3N Center also aims to train a new generation of clinical/translational neuroscience research in the cognitive and computational techniques necessary to develop and test new techniques aimed as characterizing brain-behavior relationships in psychiatric disorders. The Center hosts two seminar series. The C3N Seminar Series hosts talks from researchers performing cutting-edge cognitive/computational neuroscience research applicable to psychiatric disorders. The C3N WIP series brings together trainees from within the department, providing them a forum to either discuss the design of new studies or to present new results.