Robert Klitzman, MD, professor of psychiatry, addresses the ethical and health concerns that must be considered in tackling the obesity epidemic and broader public health challenges.
A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
"When you think the treatment is indicated for people who have psychotic symptoms, like paranoid delusions, questions may be introduced that it is intrusive," said Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
The problem of not adhering to treatment, is if medication is administered daily, or multiple times per day, is that it compromises its effectiveness, says Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
“You would think that, whether in psychiatry or general medicine, drugs for almost any other condition would be a better place to start than a drug for schizophrenia," says Dr. Paul Appelbaum.
“I would want a study conducted to see how the technology impacts the doctor-patient relationship,” Dr. Paul Applebaum said. “What kind of message are we communicating?”.
The first set of proposed changes to DSM-5 since the web portal was opened for submissions are now being posted for public comment on the DSM-5 web site, writes Dr. Michael B. First.
Drs. Yuval Neria and Prudence Fisher are examining equine therapy's efficacy. They hope to define a specific standardized equine treatment program for people who have PTSD.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman said many psychiatrists would likely want to try digital Abilify, especially for patients who just had their first psychotic episode and are at risk of stopping medication.
Dr. Paul Appelbaum said that many of his colleagues welcome tying mass gun violence to mental issues as a way of getting more resources for underfunded mental health services.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman called the result “Very interesting and encouraging.” “It’s the first window into a novel mechanism for antidepressants,” he said.
The first time I saw the movie all put together I cried and I cried. I just felt like ‘look at all these people, look at all they’ve done’,” said Dr. Andrew Solomon.