Robert Klitzman, MD, professor of psychiatry, addresses the ethical and health concerns that must be considered in tackling the obesity epidemic and broader public health challenges.
A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
The digital program GriefSteps is based on a model of grief therapy developed by Dr. Katherine Shear that has been used with people with complicated grief to help with successful adaptation to loss.
“It’s unlikely that there will be new effort placed on developing newer, better, medications because fewer people will be affected by this,” said Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
"Thinking through multiple ways something may go poorly and figuring out solutions can help people feel a greater sense of control," Dr. Colleen Cullen says.
Dr. Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele says we should be vigilant and consider whether depression could explain changes in behavior, appetite, or energy level.
Every September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors Recovery Month to increase awareness and understanding of mental and substance use disorders.