Dr. Warren Ng, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia, said that many of the young people he treats have had difficulty getting their medications month to month.
Columbia researchers have found that exposure to too much dopamine during mid-adolescent causes changes in the brain that lead to aggressive and impulsive behaviors during adulthood.
Individuals with NPD can, with appropriate therapy and a genuine desire to improve their relationships and lives, make meaningful changes," says Dr. Ryan Sultan.
Natasha Kulviwat, a rising high school senior, discovered a protein that may serve as predictor for suicide and could potentially lead to new strategies for intervention and prevention.
Gender dysphoria typically begins in childhood, sometimes as early as 3 years old, according to the American Psychiatric Association. But symptoms can occur anytime, said Jack Drescher, MD.
“Shielding children from stress and tough emotions may keep them from developing resilience and make future challenges tougher,” said Jennifer Cruz, PhD.
Any excessive fear can be considered a phobia, but most phobias are "highly circumscribed," meaning they're very specific, says Franklin Schneier, MD, special lecturer in psychiatry.
Ryan Sultan, MD, assistant professor of clinical psychiatry, says that trips involving active participation and sensory stimulation may leave a deeper impression on young children.
Something barely perceptible to the average individual may be excessively stimulating leading to anxiety or stress for those with heightened sensitivities, says Ryan Sultan, MD.