"The mixed stimulant-opioid addiction is a different one. We do not have a strategy to treat it, and many programs will be taken by surprise,” said Dr. Adam Bisaga.
"Eating disorders are not a choice," says Dr. Evelyn Attia. "They are serious psychiatric illnesses that are potentially lethal, but if properly identified are entirely treatable."
“Gestational surrogacy can allow tens of thousands of prospective parents to have children. States should support rather than block the creation of such families,” writes Dr. Robert Klitzman.
“For some people, this illness is highly disabling, but there’s a significant number of people who have this illness who are able to live very fulfilling lives,” said Dr. Lisa Dixon.
During pregnancy, hormone levels increase between six- and eight-fold, then in 24 hours after delivery they are gone. “That’s a real jolt to the central nervous system,” says Dr. Margaret G. Spinelli.
"Our results highlight the critical need to improve buprenorphine treatment services, especially for the youngest with opioid use disorder," Dr. Mark Olfson said.
Some reports show that, “suicide and drug overdose actually cause more deaths than postpartum hemorrhage, cardiovascular events or other pregnancy-related medical problems,” says Dr. Kimberly Mangla.
"Our results highlight the critical need to improve buprenorphine treatment services, especially for the youngest with opioid use disorder," Dr. Mark Olfson said.
Researchers at Columbia University found that non-medical cannabis use—including frequent or problematic use—is significantly more common in adults with pain than in those without pain.