“The coronavirus is a problem now is because, when we were dealing with SARS and MERS and research showed that bats harbored other viruses, nothing was done about it,” said Dr. Robert Klitzman.
"Even though it might feel relieving in the moment to look at exactly where coronavirus is and if it's spread, that's actually leading to more and more anxiety," Dr. Anthony Puliafico said.
Dr. Edward V. Nunes will serve as one of the directors of Columbia's Center for Healing of Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders-Enhancing Intervention, Development and Implementation (CHOSEN).
The results "indicate that KarXT, if approved, could represent a game-changing therapeutic advance in the treatment of patients with schizophrenia,” noted Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
The study "contributes to efforts that may one day redefine the diagnostic system in psychiatry, which may have practical clinical implications," commented Dr. Tiffany Herlands.