Robert Lloyd Goldstein , MD, JD
- Clinical Professor of Psychiatry

Dr. Goldstein teaches in the Columbia Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program. He was previously Course Director of the Legal Issues in the Practice of Psychiatry course for Columbia psychiatric residents. He was previously Director of Outpatient Psychiatric Services at the New York VA Medical Center and Deputy Director of the NYU-Bellevue Forensic Psychiatry Service. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters on the subject of law and psychiatry.
Dr. Goldstein evaluates and treats psychiatric patients in his private practice. He also provides psychiatric expert services in civil and criminal cases.
Academic Appointments
- Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
- Male
Research Interests
- Forensic Psychiatry
Selected Publications
- Goldstein RL: Judicial Review of the Constitution: Search and Seizure, Smart Phones, and Protecting Digital Privacy. In Rosner R, Scott C (eds): Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, 3rd Ed., UK, Taylor and Francis, 2016
- Goldstein RL, Drob SL: The Philosophy of Law: Classic and Contemporary Jurisprudence. In Rosner R, Scott C (eds): Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, 3rd Ed., UK, Taylor and Francis, 2016
- Goldstein RL: Confidentiality and Informed Consent Issues in Treatment for Adolescent Substance Abuse. In Rosner R (ed): Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction, West Sussex, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
- Goldstein RL, Laskin AM: De Clerambault's syndrome [erotomania] and claims of psychiatric malpractice. J Forensic Sciences 47:852-855, 2002
- Goldstein RL: De Clerambault On-line: A Survey of Erotomania and Stalking from the Old World to the World Wide Web. In Meloy JR (ed): The Psychology of Stalking: Clinical and Forensic Perspectives. San Diego, Academic Press, 1998