Eun-Jung Suh, PhD
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry)

Academic Appointments
- Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology (in Psychiatry)
- Female
Selected Publications
- Marshall RD, Bryant RA, Amsel LV, Suh EJ, Cook J, Neria Y: The Psychology of Ongoing Threat: Relative Risk Perception, The September 11 Attacks, and Terrorism-related Fears. American Psychologist 2007
- Sullivan G, Suh EJ, Neria Y : Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In Understanding Anxiety: Clinical and Research Perspectives. HB Simpson, Y Neria, R Lewis Fernandez, F Schneier (Eds.). In press
- Amsel LV, Neria Y, Marshall RD, Suh EJ: Training therapists to treat the psychological consequences of terrorism: Disseminating psychotherapy research and researching psychotherapy dissemination. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma 2005;10: 633-647
- Kagee A, Suh EJ, Naidoo AV : South African Counsellors’ attitudes towards cognitive behavioural techniques to ameliorate trauma: Effects of a training workshop. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 2004;26: 313-320
- Suh EJ, Moskowitz DS, Fournier M, Zuroff DC: Gender and relationships: Influences on agentic and communal behaviors. Personal Relationships 2004;11: 41-59
For a complete list of publications, please visit