Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, MD, PhD

  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry

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Medical School and board certified in Psychiatry, Adult and Child, Paris France, PhD in clinical Psychology in Paris, France. Psychoanalytic Training, Adult and Child, at the Parisian Society.

Licensed in New York as PhD Psychology. Faculty and member of the Columbia Psychoanalytic Center. Director of the Parent-Infant Training Program. Co-Director of the Pacella Child Center at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute

Major clinical interest: early development, mother-baby-toddler interactions, early signs of depression and autism, dyadic interventions, parenting and post-partum depression. Levy-Goldfarb Award for Child Psychoanalysis. Columbia Psychoanalytic Center.

Academic Appointments

  • Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry


  • French


  • Female


Early signs of autism, depression, and attachment disorders in the first 6 months of life.

Selected Publications

  1. Christine Anzieu-Premmereur: The Development of a Sense of Humor in Young Children during Psychoanalysis. JICAP 2009;8: 137-144
  2. Lila Kalinich and Stuart Taylor, Christine Anzieu-Premmereur.: The dead father figure and the symbolization process, Routledge, New York, NY, 2009
  3. Coates SW, Schechter DS, First E, Anzieu-Premmereur C, Steinberg Z, Hamilton V.: Thoughts on Crisis Intervention with New York City Children After the World Trade Center Bombing. Psychotherapies. 2002;22: 143-152
  4. Christine Anzieu-Premmereur: Trauma and Attachment Disorders in Three Female Generations. JICAP 2004;3: 480-485
  5. Christine Anzieu-Premmereur, Michele Cornillot.: Pratiques psychanalytiques avec les bébés. Psychoanalytic treatments in babies and their parents., Dunod, Paris, France, 2003