Depression and Suicide Among Physician Trainees: Recommendations for a National Response

March 26, 2015

Matthew Goldman, MD, MS, Ravi Shah, MD, Carol Bernstein, MD

Ravi Shah, MD (featured in this issue’s Residents’ Corner) co-wrote this illuminating Viewpoint submission for JAMA Psychiatry. “Trainee depression and suicide are well-known concerns in the medical community that have not yet been adequately addressed. Further data collection and research are needed to elucidate the specific elements of medical training that may contribute to the development of mental illness and the increased risk of physician suicide. Identification of evidence-based interventions that are successful in reducing the incidence of depression among physicians is also critically important. First steps would be to educate the academic community about these issues, encourage mental health screening, and foster help-seeking behavior and access to care for trainees.”


Education & Training, InPsych - March 2015