Selected Publications

Adolescent Depression Research Group

Journal Articles

  • Lindsey MA, Mufson L, Vélez-Grau C, Grogan T, Wilson DM, Reliford AO, Gunlicks-Stoessel M, Jaccard J. Engaging Black youth in depression and suicide prevention treatment within urban schools: study protocol for a randomized controlled pilot. Trials.2024 Feb 9;25
  • Veléz-Grau, C., McTernan, M., Mufson, L., Lindsey, M.A. (in press). The role of thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in suicide ideation among Latinx and Black youth. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.
  • Veléz-Grau, C., Mufson, L., Byansi, W., Lindsey, M.A. The association between interpersonal factors, barriers to mental health help-seeking behaviors, and Persistent Depression Disorder among Latinx and Black youths. Journal of Psychiatry Research Communications, 2023, 3(2),100123 is external and opens in a new window)
  • Mufson, L., Morrison, C., Shea, E., Kluiza, L., Robbins, R. Mellins, C. Screening for depression with the PHQ-9 in young adults affected by HIV. J Affect Disord. 2022; 297:276-282. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.037
  • Zhou, Y., Arend, J., Mufson, L., & Gunlicks-Stoessel, M. Change in dysfunctional attitudes and attachment in interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents. Psychotherapy Research. 2021 Feb; 31(2): 258-266; DOI 10.1080/10503307.2020.1756513
  • Haruvi Catalan, L., Levis Frenk, M., Adini Spigelman, E., Engelberg, Y., Barzilay, S., Mufson, L., Apter, A., Benaroya Milshtein, N., Fennig, S., Brunstein Klomek, A. Ultra - Brief Crisis IPT-A based Intervention for Suicidal Children and Adolescents (IPT-A-SCI) Pilot study results. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2020 Dec 9; 11:553422. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.553422. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33362595 
  • Reyes-Portillo, J.A., McGlinchey, E.L., Toso-Salman, J., Chin, E.M.  Fisher, P.W., & Mufson, L. Clinician Experience and Attitudes Toward Safety Planning with Adolescents At-Risk for Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research. 2019; 23:2, 222-233, 
        DOI:  10.1080/13811118.2018.1456382. PMID:29624113
  • Young, J.F., Jones. J.D., Sbrilli, M., Bena, J.S., Spiro, C., Haim, C., Gallop, R., Mufson, L., Gillham, J.E. Long-Term Effects from a School-Based Trial Comparing Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training to Group Counseling. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2019; 48:sup1, S362-S370, DOI: 10.1080/
  • Mufson, L., Rynn, M., Yanes-Lukin, P., Choo, T.H., Soren, K., Stewart, E., Wall, M.
    Stepped Care Interpersonal Psychotherapy Treatment for Depressed Adolescents: A Pilot Study in Pediatric Clinics. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 2018; 45(3) 417–431; PMID 29124527.
  • Young, J.F., Benas, J.S., Schuler, C.M., Gallop, B., Gilham, J. Mufson, L., A randomized depression prevention trial comparing Interpersonal Psychotherapy Adolescent Skills Training to group counseling in schools. Prev Sci. 2016


  • Dietz, L., Weinstein, R., Mufson, L. (2018). Family-based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Young, J.F., Mufson, L., & Schueler, C. (2016). Preventing adolescent depression: Interpersonal psychotherapy-adolescent skills training. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Mufson, L.. Dorta, K.P., Moreau, D., & Weissman, M.M. (2004). Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Publications.