Robert Klitzman, MD, professor of psychiatry, addresses the ethical and health concerns that must be considered in tackling the obesity epidemic and broader public health challenges.
A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
The idea behind hitting something when you feel stressed or angry is based on the theory of catharsis, says Dr. E. Blake Zakarin. "Venting your anger can bring about a release of that anger.”
Dr. Ziva Cooper, who is doing research with CBD, says “based on animal studies, there seems to be a lot of promise for a number of disease states,” including its potential effects on inflammation.
“Loneliness is a route to depressive symptoms," says Dr. Philip R. Muskin. "In anybody, but certainly in older people, the more socially interactive you are, the less likely you are to be depressed.”
“Further efforts to examine heterogeneity of treatment response of antipsychotic medication by age are needed,” Dr. T. Scott Stroup and colleagues wrote.
The poll highlights that if gene editing of embryos ever moves into fertility clinics, there will be some hard choices about what non-fatal disorders should qualify, said Dr. Robert Klitzman.
Stress can wreak all kinds of havoc on our lives. “Our body is equipped with a ‘fight or flight’ system to handle danger and stressors as they present,” says Dr. E. Blake Zakarin.
“Foods that are high in nutrients such as long-chain omega-3 fats, zinc, magnesium, B12, iron, vitamin E, and folate are foods that I want fueling my brain,” writes Dr. Drew Ramsey.