Robert Klitzman, MD, professor of psychiatry, addresses the ethical and health concerns that must be considered in tackling the obesity epidemic and broader public health challenges.
A Columbia study shows a simple smell test and memory exam can predict cognitive decline as accurately as costly brain imaging, offering a more affordable and accessible way to assess dementia.
Dr. Nasir Naqvi's study describes a device that would detect critical respiratory depression and then electrically support respiration until treatment could be provided or hypoventilation wore off.
"We are somewhat more willing to talk about our emotional state," said Dr. Philip Muskin. "That's not true across the board, but I think there somewhat less stigma than there was 40 or 50 years ago."
A paper on suicide by Mark Olfson, MD, MPH professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, was the most viewed in the JAMA Network.
In 1996, Congress passed the Mental Health Parity Act, which was supposed to ensure that mental health coverage was treated the same as physical ailments, according to Dr. Paul Appelbaum.
“If a doctor doesn’t fully understand what’s going on, it’s a lot easier to put a label on it and say, ‘This is depression,’ instead of saying, ‘We don’t know,’” explains Dr. Carl Erik Fisher.
“The greatest cause of mortality in people with mental illness is suicide, which is viewed as a complication of mental illness,” said Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman.
“Ideally, none of us would engage in comparisons, period,” said Dr. Deborah Glasofer, who advises paying attention to what kinds of media make you feel good vs. crappy and curating along those lines.