While there is still plenty of research to be done, Dr. Philip Muskin emphasized that there is enough certainty to know that psychiatric drugs do work – often to great effect.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman and Dr Christine Moutier, medical director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, discuss suicide risk and prevention.
"I am a big believer (that), psychologically, it is important people not be entirely isolated with their HIV diagnosis, and they are not living entirely alone with it," Dr. Robert H. Remien says.
The New York State Psychiatric Institute has been awarded one of 12 grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to form the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN).
"You're not going to solve a lifetime of problems on a phone call," Dr. Madelyn Gould says. A next step is harnessing that call to chart a path to long-term care.
"It's not a fact-finding mission, like we're kind of blindly throwing a spear," Dr. Randy Auerbach says. Instead, MAPS relies on established theories and data on suicidal behavior.