“We know from research and clinical experience that a negative reaction to coming out can be very hurtful and cause lasting pain,” said Dr. Jeff Cohen.
“I think definitely more people are more anxious and depressed, but is it more illness? Is there an uptick in actual disorders? I don’t know,” says Philip R. Muskin.
"People across political divides believe that leaders from the opposite side pose a significant threat to their way of life and the well-being of the country as a whole," says Dr. Jeffrey Cohen.
The Columbia University Department of Psychiatry announced today that Jean-Marie Alves-Bradford, MD has been appointed the inaugural Director of the new Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.
“V.I.P. syndrome occurs when a celebrity or otherwise well-connected ‘very important person’ receives a level of care not available to the average patient,” wrote Dr. Robert Klitzman.
"For children not physically attending school, it is important to build and maintain other meaningful social opportunities," says Dr. Anthony Puliafico.
“People who receive inpatient care for a mental illness have much lower rates of following up with treaters in the community after discharge, which is alarming,” said Dr. Thomas E. Smith.