In using the term “friendship,” “what people basically mean is, ‘I’m in a secure relationship. Being close to my partner is very rewarding. I trust them,'” Dr. Amir Levine said.
“There should be a separate specialty board in certification in psychopharmacology,” Dr. Richard Brown said, a process that isn’t in place at all right now for doctors.
“The fears can be very real for our kids,” explained Dr. Carolina Zerrate. “Oftentimes their neighborhoods are not safe, their streets are not safe and their families can feel unsafe.”
When we got into RAISE, the attitude was that you can recover. They believed that you’ll always have schizophrenia, but that you can also recover and have a normal life with it.
Assuming a shooter is ‘sick’ in some way "continues the stigmatization of people with mental disorders who commit only a small portion of acts of violence in this country,” Dr. Paul Appelbaum says.