"Coming out about gender can be a challenging experience for adolescents," writes Dr. Rachel Lynn Golden. It leaves them vulnerable to be rejected for a part of their core sense of self.
Ketamine was significantly more effective than a commonly used sedative in reducing suicidal thoughts in depressed patients, according to researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC).
“There’s been a mad rush on the part of desperate patients to seek care,” said Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman. “There is a considerable body of evidence that proves it really does work.”
1 in 4 of us will have a mental illness over the course of our lifetimes. Dr. Kathleen Pike highlights 5 documentary films that tell stories of loss, pain and healing in the face of mental illness.
“School dropout portends other bad outcomes, like the inability to gain employment, involvement in substance abuse and problems with the juvenile justice system,” said Dr. Laura Mufson.
Parents think that they “are damaging my child by letting them be anxious and crying,” says Dr. Anne Marie Albano. Parents also fear "my child is going to hate me" if they don't rescue them.
“If you suddenly have to slam on your brakes to avoid a collision, that pounding heart and rapid breath you feel for a few minutes after is a form of panic attack,” says Dr. Anne Marie Albano.
“There’s been increasing understanding over the last several decades that eating disorders is a serious psychiatric illness,” said Dr. Evelyn Attia. “This is a brain-based disorder.”
When people on medication-assisted therapy take heroin, “they can’t feel the high that they used to feel,” said Dr. Sandra Comer. “To them it’s almost like getting water."