“By bringing on uncomfortable or feared sensations in the therapy room, we are helping individuals with panic symptoms learn to change how they relate to their symptoms,” says Dr. Rachel Ginsberg.
Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman said he supports keeping guns from many with mental illness, and he believes that laws have made the civil commitment of those with severe mental illness too difficult.
“We have to engage in a healthy way, while also setting some boundaries so it’s not the only thing you’re focusing on,” Dr. Lauren Hoffman said regarding patients discussing anxiety in therapy.
"When people make efforts to care for themselves and adhere to a belief system they feel is good for them, their mental health is going to improve," said Dr. Drew Ramsey.
“If accurate, it’s a shocking deviation from ordinary standards of practice,” said Dr. Steven Hoge referring to the hospital’s failure to evaluate and monitor Masters’ alleged assailant.
Dr. Yuval Neria discusses his experiences in the Yom Kippur War and his role as the head of the Friends of the Yom Kippur War Center in the United States.
Neurogenesis is “fundamentally important for the brain to react to all sorts of different insults and prevent neurological and psychiatric problems,” Dr. Maura Boldrini says.
Dr. Herbert Kleber got the Google Doodle treatment Tuesday on the 23rd anniversary of his election to the National Academy of Medicine. Kleber pioneered modern addiction treatment in the US.