“Pleasant events, such as travel, boost our mood and our life satisfaction. For many people, traveling is a pleasant event due to the novelty it offers,” says Dr. Jeffrey M. Cohen.
“Now, more than ever, queer people are empowering themselves to live the life that fits for them,” says Dr. Jeff Cohen, whose research focuses on the experience of sexual minorities.
Dr. Anne Marie Albano, who specializes in treating children, adolescents, and young adults, has seen an increase in the number of college-age students seeking therapy since the spring.
“It’s imperative that as schools re-open attention be paid to students’ social-emotional needs and ESS’s COPE 2.0 offers a roadmap to do just that,” said Linda Rosenberg, MSW.
"There may be wisdom in unlearning the decidedly adult tendency toward shame, guilt, and discontent, in favor of our earlier nature," writes Dr. Nitasha Shetty.
"This year, instead of resolving to start new behaviors, try capturing the ones you already do. They are your new habits," writes Dr. Deborah Cabaniss.