Elie G. Aoun, assistant professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia, says that people who pull out their hair most often don’t realize they are doing it.
"The COVID-19 pandemic exposed many of the inequities and disparities that existed beforehand,” said Warren Ng, director of clinical services, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia.
Growing legislative attempts to limit, ban, or criminalize access to this critical model of medical care endangers the health and well-being of transgender and nonbinary youth.
“There’s clearly still widespread burnout, fatigue, and frustration not only related to the earlier phases of the pandemic but also the aftermath related to staffing shortage,” Dr. Lou Baptista said.
Meg Haney, professor of neurobiology (in psychiatry) at Columbia, discusses the effects, risks, and potential benefits of cannabis and what she told her own sons about drug use.
"This new lawsuit . . . raises critical ethical and legal questions that affect vast amounts of future scientific research," writes Dr. Robert Klitzman.
“Even people who aren’t particularly socially anxious may feel a bit awkward jumping back into activities that were previously comfortable for them.” said Dr. Franklin Schneier.
This systematic review examines the outcomes and moderators of task-shared psychological interventions associated with depression severity, response, and remission.