According to Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, psychotropic drugs are just the latest development in a long-standing pattern of “controlling agitated, disruptive and aggressive behavior in kids.”
Symptoms of Lyme disease include short-term memory loss.“You might start thinking, ‘I’m just beginning to lose my memory a bit. And everybody does that as they get older,’” said Dr. Brian Fallon.
"For a lot of people, when they hear PTSD, they think of someone who startles easily when they hear a loud noise, or suddenly has a flashback," said Dr. Sarah Frankel.
“Older people grew up in an era when talking about a psychiatric issue was certainly frowned upon, so there may be a generational issue," commented Dr. Philip Muskin.
“The current study highlights the negative impact of insufficient sleep on physical health, but a child’s mental, and emotional capabilities are compromised as well,” said Dr. James Gangwisch.